James and Jack with some of this morning's catch.
The lake level has now hit 570. I was worried they would not achieve their goal by Memorial Day. It has risen 4-inches in the last 24-hours with just a little generation yesterday afternoon. The surface water tmeperature has dropped to 74 this morning and the lake is a little more stained but still pretty clear. It is to be much nicer today with a high near 70 and sunny. It never broke 60 yesterday but most people seemed to make the best of it. They were just happy to be out and be with family and friends. It was good to see so many familiar faces again since last year. We appreciate our customers here and do not charge them too much. There were a lot of compliments about all of the improvements and they appreciate no price increases. It was hard to hold the line with prices on almost everything going up. It is bad enough to have gas prices up over a dollar a gallon since the election. Fishing was good this morning with several people catching fish. Bass, stripers and white bass were all biting both on top water and on main lake points on grubs and spoons. I hope everyone has more fun today. The big level playground with lots of stuff to do was very busy yesterday. The pool was a little slow but at least we have one and a big one too. They will be in it today. It is already warmer than it got yesterday and it is only 11AM. It was a bit cool early this morning.