Norfork Lake fishing report and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Rob and Brad Gravengoed are good fishermen. Image titleImage title

Carl Scott caught and released some good ones yesterday.Image title

The lake level is 567.30 and has risen about 1-inch in the last 24-hours with generation a little over 1/2 the time. The weather has been sunny and beautiful for a couple of days but the nights have been very cool and the lake surface temperature is not rising and is hanging in there in the mid 60's. It looks like more rain is coming Sunday night and Monday. We have not had any excess rain this month. A lot of fish were caught yesterday. Blackburns is nearly full with people taking advantage of the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the area. The big swimming pool is open now but nobody has been in it yet. It is like the lake temperature and is in the mid 60's. A little too cool for me but we are ready for your visit when it does warm and it will. Look for top-water fish at sunrise and then switch to creature baits on jig heads on the bank after that. Swim baits about 3-inches long are catching both crappie and bass. Several crappie are spawned out and are on brush back in the creeks in about 23-ft. of water and are hungry. Cast you jig past the brush and let it sink into it as you slowly work your jig across it or drift with the wind over the brush and use you trolling motor to go the other way. I am catching more on the drift. Several fish are throw backs but several are pretty good sized. The same goes for bass. Small stripers are with the bass as are some white bass and hybrids. This is prime time for striper fishing and the size has been disappointing. Several hard core striper fishermen are starting to release some and that is an improvement. The big bluegill are getting ready to spawn and are under Blackburns dock. I am seeing no shad spawning and not very many shad at all compared to this winter before the kill. Several gizzard shad are in Blackburns Creek but not big schools. Threadfin are small and fat like they have not spawned yet. We are about two weeks late for everything water temperature wise. Surface water temperature is usually in the 70's by mid May and normal ambient high is 76 but the cool nights are holding everything up. The lake overall is in good condition and the fishing is fair to good with several small fish mixed in the the big ones. Bass, crappie, stripers, walleye, hybrids and white bass are all being caught everyday.