Norfork Lake fishing Report and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Don Katashuk with a nice one caught fishing in Float Creek yesterday. Image titleImage titleImage title

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The lake level is 557.77 and has been exactly the same since they shut off one generator several hours ago. It looks like they are getting ready for the April 15th deadline for dropping the lake and they have also dropped the White River to below 21-ft.  This way they can keep us one big rain away from high water and start holding for a big release later. We can just hope the dry spring continues. It was windy Saturday, beautiful yesterday and is to be great again today. Blackburns has been nearly full and almost everyone caught fish Sunday with bass and crappie being the best bite. I saw some bass making nests Saturday and Sunday back in Blackburns Creek and it is getting fished heavily. The wind has just moved to the North and a cold front is coming in bringing cooler weather tomorrow for a few days. There is a chance of light rain late tonight.  Everytime the surface water warms a bit a cold front cools it down again with a North wind. I got reports of crappie full of eggs being caught in 30-ft. of water in front of brush piles suspended and others on the bank either making nests or spawning. I went out for a few minutes and caught four crappie and they were all full of eggs and ready to spawn. The water justs needs to warm a bit and there be no sudden change in water level for a couple of weeks to insure a good spawn. There is plenty of cover with water in the buckbrush. The lake is at a good level now and I would like it to stay right here all the time. 555-559 is just right. I am just not convinced we can avoid a big rain so it can stay here. We had one already and it took two months to get things straightened out and it also took dry weather with below average rain. The big swimming pool is now painted and curing. Our pool is 30x60 with a water slide and kiddie pool. It is 1,800 square ft. and you can stretch out and swim laps. Most pools in the area are 20x40 and are 800 square feet. Ours is over twice as big. The deck is resurfaced and the slide is painted and we will be ready for you when you come visit. The full court basketball area is also resurfaced. It is on a flat area with two hoops but small enough for us old folks. If you miss a shot the ball does not roll down a cliff. The big playground is flat and green with many things for the children. Sandbox, play stations, swings, volleyball, soccer, horseshoes are all palyed here and you can watch them from your cabin or from the big pavilion with shuffle board and ping pong. We have it all here at Blackburns and at the right price. You can save a bunch by staying here without a decrease in quality. We are the family and fishing resort on Norfork lake and especially welcome veterans and police. Sorry we are not politically correct but try and respect everyone. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.