John and Luke Bornhop.
Float Creek Eagles.
The lake level is 559.51 and has dropped about two inches in the last 24-hours with continuous generation. With the rain coming again tonight and thursday I sure hope they keep it up. They usually quit everytime it starts to rain. The brown water coming down from the north is dissipating, is a lighter color, moving south and spreading out with most of the debris being small. It is not my color of choice but fish are biting in it. I am catching my fish in water stained a little green with visibility down to about three feet but am having to go a little further than I want to to find it. A lot of fish seem to be in about 23-feet of water and vary location during the time of day and amount of sunshine. Crappie, bass and small stripers are the best bite. It is really discouraging to see people still bragging about dock floors full of small dead stripers. Some are barely 4-5 pounds and are babies. It is hard for some people to change. When they are gone I guess they can go to another lake to deplete. Stripers are one thing that set Norfork Lake apart from many other lakes and I am sorry to see them go. The more small ones that are killed the longer it will take for the population to grow with the Game and fish not stocking any last year due to covid. They are resuming the stocking this year and I am glad. Kill other fish for meat. They do not dress out very well anyway. Catch and release them and do not fish for them in deep water. I wish they would drop the limit on them to two. It is important to have them in the lake and people really like to catch them. The water surface temperature was 54 yesterday afternoon and the creeks are not as clear as thye were a few days ago. I could see the bottom under my dock in 23-feet of water but not now. It seems to change daily. There is more surface activity in the creeks in late evening everyday. The top water bite will be not far away and is the easiest time to catch fish. Get your spooks and spittin images ready when the water temperature passes 60 and take the dog out for a walk. I really like to watch fish hit them. Much better than just trolling anybody can do that.