We are catching a few bit not very many. These were caught on a Bink's spoon in 30-ft. of water on brush yesterday.
The lake level is 554.17 and has risen 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with generation about 1/2 the time. The lake surface temperature is between 45 and 46 degrees depending where where and when you take it. Just a few crappie are showing up on brush and they mostly have lockjaw. Many fish of about all species are in open water on shad. Some are part way back in the creeks and some have blown near the bank on main lake river channel banks. I am not seeing very many stressed shad and not near as many are going through the generators and there are still a lot of healthy ones schooled. We still have a good supply. Any fish that I am catching are not biting because they are hungry and are stuffed full. Bass fishing continues to be the best bite and I have not seen a decent striper caught in a few weeks and crappie continues to be slow at the best. The Norfork Lake Bass Fishing Club members fished Bull Shoals last weekend and their weight numbers were way down from before the cold and snow hit and they have some of the best fishermen in the area. It will get better it will just take a little time for the dead and dying shad to go away and spring to get here. Nobody knows exactly when but it will happen. It always does. We just do not need any big rains in the water shed area in Missouri like in 2017. That would not be good. The lake is at a good level now but does not have much room for the spring rains. I am happy to just be out there and not freezing.