The lake level is 553.22 and has dropped 2-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours with generation about 3/4ths the time. They quit most of the night. Most of the Southwestern Power Administration sevice area is very cold and you would think they would generate more since the level is in the power pool. They are still dropping the White River at Newport and I will never understand this. Why not draw down the lake in the winter like they used to? With the government running the Dam management and also running the Southwestern power you should not expect much. You certainly do not get much. The lake is clear. The surface water temperature was 39.8 in the middle of Blackburns Creek in 20-feet of water yesterday evening with a little ice way back in the creeks where it ends. As the water got deeper there was no ice on the shore. I will check this later today and also go into the main lake and check it also and let you know when I start up my boat. The shad kill is coming if it is not here yet. We are fortunate that there was no rain before the snow so there is no ice and the conditions are cold and snowy but not too bad for driving but it is impossible to work outside very long. The snow is not heavy and should not affect dock roofs much unless they are in poor condition. The north wind has been cold and not helping things but there is little drifting. We have about 3-4 inches now with more to come later this week. It is snowing very small flakes now and not very heavy but the temperature is barely above zero and the north wind continues to be very cold. I have not seen this in the 26+ years that I have lived here but it just shows you how important this global warming is to the country and why we need to get rid of fossil fuels now no matter how high the fuel prices get and shut down the pipelines and start buying oil from the Middle East again and shipping it with tankers. (Exxon Valdez) There is no need for us to be energy independent. This north wind would sure turn some of those beautiful wind turbines but we have not seen the sun except for about two days this year and it would be tough powering solar panels. I wonder if they will let us burn wood. That is a new idea. We are to recover next weekend but not to where we should be with normal highs in the low 50's. Anything will be an improvement but I always count my blessings and am thankful for no ice. I do not like ice. I remember the 2009 ice storm and it was terrible. NAEC is much more prepared now than then and I do not think that will happen again at least to the same degree. I was out of power for 20-days and was fortunate to have has a generator and a fuel truck with a hand pump. Back then people did not want them to trim their trees and politics ruled. Now they trim them no matter what and have forgot political correctness. I am heading to the dock now and will let you know. We will just make the best of this. I will be fishing as soon as I can and get you a report.