Dave Titus with some of his yesterday's catch.
The lake level is 553.47 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with little generation.It has been almost the same for over a month and within one foot for two months. The surface temperature was 46-47 yesterday and has not dropped much with the cool weather. The sun is out and I had almost forgot what it looked like. It is a beautiful day and there are more to come. The wind has moved to the south and is really making a difference in temperatures. It will not be long before the average daily temperatures start to rise and the longer days are helping also. Everybody caught fish yesterday here at Blackburns. Dave Titus reports catching his fish in 45-50 ft. of water suspended just outside brush piles on steep banks. I caught mine on brush in 19-feet of water on a jig over brush. Mike caught his on a main lake point and Tom in Float Creek. All of us were using different techniques. The Game and Fish have announced a couple of new laws for 2021 for North Arkansas waters. From now on we must pull the plugs and drain live wells on all boats as they leave the launch unless special permits are issued for tournaments. Bull Shoals Lake has taken the three fish limit for Stripers and Hybrid fishing off and it is going to the statewide limit of six. They say it is because they are not managing them on that lake but i suspect it is also because of the numbers of fish. More and more are showing up there with Missouri stocking a lot starting a few years ago. The limit on Norfork is three total.and I would like it lowered to two until the numbers are back. People are now bragging about catching 8-10 pounders when it used to be 30-40 pounders and they keep killing them. I am glad the stocking will resume this year. I am getting calls of people complaining about other businesses raising their rates with out notice and are looking for new places to stay. That is their business but Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental will not raise their rates this year on anything. We have almost all repeat business with most being friends and we do not want to see how much money we can get out of them. People can be very friendly when they are charging you too much and some people do not mind paying too much if they have too much money. You can stay here and donate the difference to Disabled Veterans. Compare prices before you book. January 15th is the date to get your deposit in for the 2021 season to reserve the cabin and boat of your choice. A couple of months are almost booked already. We do not want you to be disappointed and look forward to seeing you again this year. You will like the improvements and what you see when you arrive and at no increased price. Not bad. Call Debbie at 870-492-5115 and she will fix you up. Spring is on the way.