Mike Eakle with a few good ones this morning.
The lake level is 553.61 and has risen 1/2 inch in 24-hours with no generation. It looks like that the weather coming from Texas will go south of us again this week. We have been fortunate to miss everything so far this season. It looks like the cool weather will just hold on for a day or two and then get back up to near 50 again early this week. The lake is in good condition with a surface temperature of about 47 degrees. The water is pretty clear and does not need to get any clearer for fishing. Fishing has been slow the last few days but a few good ones are being caught. It is hard to catch them from the sofa. The north wind has been about 5-10 miles per hour and it is cold trying to stay out there in open water. I choose to get out of it and fish brush but both are being difficult. The fish bite for about ten minutes and then quit for two hours. I just enjoy being out there and try to make it at least for a short time every day and have gear for the weather. It is not necessary for me to make plans, load, trailer the boat, launch, park and load back up. I just go to the dock and am fishing in about two minures in Blackburns Creek which is out of the wind most of the time and has good brush piles. I am very thankful to be able to do that almost everyday. Overall fishing has been fair to poor most of last week and cold fronts do not help anything. The new moon is the 13th and the weather warming at the same time should help things. We will see. I like a challenge. If it was easy everyone could do it and they can't.