The lake level is 553.57 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with very little generation. The surface water temperature has dropped to 47-48 with the cooler temperature and the lake is pretty clear. You can see your lure down 5-6 feet and is about as clear as it has been in over a year especially near the bank. The wind was from the northwest at 5-10 yesterday and the ambient temperature struggled to get to 40 if at all. I did see a few boats out there with one trolling out from Cow Point and another couple near the bridges. When you do not hear a report is is not that they are not fishing but that they are not catching any fish. I caught five crappie and three bass and had to work hard for them. No picture fish but a few of the crappie were about 14-inches. My photographer said it was too cold to come to the dock and I do not have a camera on my flip phone and do not know how to take a selfie or a desire to do so. The crappie fishing was slow and I only found them in one place. Bass fishing was worse. I did find some open water fish but they were very small and not woth catching and not biting very well anyway. I was surprised at the number of boats out there. The lake in general is in good condition and the overall fishing yesterday was fair-poor but a few good ones were caught. I will try again today. The days are getting longer and the average temperature will start to climb again soon. Spring is on the way.