The lake level is 553.62 and has risen one inch in the last 24-hours with no generation. They just keep holding for no reason. The surface water temperature is near 50 and the water is stained a bit and just right for fishing. It was a little windy yesterday but not bad. It was easy to get out of it. There was a good bite for bass, crappie and walleye on brush anywhere from 18-ft. to 40-ft. on the spoon. Blackburns has several fishermen in and they all caught fish. All of our cabins were full with people taking advantage of the lowest prices in the area and free boat stall. We are open all year. Bass and crappie fishermen are really catching some nice fish. It has been warm for several days and is cooling some with rain scheduled for Wednesday. Maybe the clouds will cover the big moon. Blackburns people are busy making improvements and will have no price increases next year. You will like what you see when you get here and we will continue to be the best value in the Ozarks. We have a lot of repeat customers and do not want to charge them too much. Your first boat stall will continue to be free unless you bring your own pontoon. We have 11 of them to rent with several of them being fishing pontoons. It is hard to believe it is almost January already and spring will be here before you know it but we have a lot of fish to catch before then.