Luke Bornhop with some very nice fish. Bigger than Mine.
The lake level is 553.38 and has dropped less than 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours. They stopped generating last evening for all night and have just started up one generator.They are holding the area lakes up as high as possible for as long as possible. If there is any deviation in flood pool they can regulate the White River at Newport to 21-feet as of the first of the month but refuse to drop the lakes. 21-feet is below minor flood level for the White River and does not hurt anybody. Norfork is at a good level now but will not be when the spring rains happen and they will. How many times can they be tricked and not change anything? It is worse than Charley Brown kicking the football that Lucy is holding. He is fooled every year and so is our government. They are operating at rules established in the 1940's before computers and refuse to change anything. There are much better controls over flooding now than in the past. It is very sad and they should be ashamed of their incompetence. It was a very nice day with highs in the 50's with sunshine and light winds when I went out yesterday. The surface water temperature was 57+ in the sunshine and the lake was a little more stained than the day before and I could see my lure down about three feet. I saw only three other boats out there. Two were Blackburns customers and the other was a center console boat chasing birds. I do not know if he caught anything or not but he was surely moving a lot and not fishing much. I saw him going by about four times. I fished a main lake cut on brush and a main lake brush pile. First I was jigging a spoon and caught a couple of Bass and crappie. On the next place caught two keeper crappie and a nice warmouth as big as the crappie on the jig. It might have been the largest one that I have caught. The small throwback crappie were biting faster than anything and I was glad to see them. As I mentioned yesterday I have caught very few small crappie this year and do not know why they are showing up just now but they are. It is to be nice today for fishing and another front is coming through late this afternoon and we are to get some mixed precipitation tonight with highs back near 50 for the weekend. Out normal high is 50. Overall fishing is just fair but I am catching some good fish everyday with bass, crappie, bluegill being the best. Some fish are on brush, some are on the bank and some are in open water on shad.