Jack Bucknell with some decent Hybrid Stripers caught and released yesterday.
The lake level is 553.48 and is exactly what it was at this time yesterday. They quit generating yesterday afternoon and just stared up one generator. They are holding the lakes up as high as possible for as long as possible. The lake surface temperature was 58.4 when I went out yesterday. It was a nice day but there were whitecaps out there. The incessant wind is getting tiring. It is cold and windy today with temepratures struggling to get to 40. It is to warm tomorrow back above 50. I caught bass and crappie, John and Luke caught the same and Mike and Jack caught some crappie and some Hybrid Bass in the 6-lb. range. They caught them just outside the Boy Scout Camp in 35-ft. of water with the Bink's spoon. The rest of us were fishing brush in 20-35 feet of water. We could not go where we wanted due to the wind but caught fish anyway. Everyone came in before dark. It was hard to stay in one place. The hybrids were all released to grow as were the largemouth bass. We caught no stripers as usual. The bass were on main lake river channel banks and the crappie were on brush just around the inside of main lake points on top of brush. We will see if the wind lays this afternoon.