Jack Bucknell from South Dakota with some nice bass caught on the Bink's Spoon yesterday on Blackburns Brush Piles.
The lake level is 553.66 and has dropped 1-1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously. They are holding the White River at Newport to just over 11-feet. I waited until the wind slowed until I went out yesterday and conditions were just about right when I went out. The ambient temperature was in the early 50's and the surface water temperature was just under 60. The water clarity was just about the same and I could see my lure down about 3-4 feet. I started spooning out of the wind in a main lake cut and caught some nice bass in about 20-feet of water on brush. The crappie fishing has slowed for some reason so I was determined to find some. I found a school on brush in 15-feet of water and caught only two but one was very large. I have caught almost 100 crappie at or just below 15-inches so far this winter. They are not monsters but very nice healthy fish. Norfork lake is a good crappie fishery. A few in the 17-inch range have also been caught. 14-inch are common but most are from 11-13 inches. I am finding very few under the legal limit of 10-inches unlike the walleye which about 75% are under 18-inches. One walleye was caught yesterday just under 18-inches and I had just released it when I had another one on right away about 15-feet from the bank in 15-feet of water. It was about the same size but broke off. I tell everyone to retie after each walleye or at least run your finger down the line and feel for nicks. I was too lazy to do so and it cost me but I would have released him anyway. Try and keep the walleye from going sideways and getting the line in the side of their teeth especially on light line which I highly recomment in clear water. Light line also gives your spoon, jig and grub much better action. Several very large bluegill were also caught on the crappie jig. Bass, bluegill and hybrid stripers are now the best bite with crappie and walleye and small White Bass next. The hybrids are not big but are in the 4-6 pound range. You have to look for a long time to find feeding fish and trollers are having to fish hard and sometimes for days to find any. When they do they bite fast and are then gone. Catfishing has also slowed but a few are being caught on live bluegill. Fishing overall is just fair and the lake is in excellent condition and some nice fish are being caught everyday. Spoon in or just outside those brush piles or cast a jig, grub or crankbait to the shore on high river channel wind blown banks. It has been very foggy early so be carefull out there. Do not run on GPS in low visibility. It is best to wait until the fog is gone after the sun comes out. My best fishing time has been about 4:PM until dark and on cloudy days just before a rain. We are having Thanksgiving dinner today for guests, friends and family but it will be take out. I wish this covid would go away but it is nothing to fool around with. Having big groups of people and family together is not safe for now especially in confined areas. I will get the vaccine as soon as possible.