The lake level is 554.99 and has dropped less than an inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running less than full power. We did receive an inch and one half of rain Saturday night about 10:pm and it rained hard and the wind blew. There was some storm damage on docks and trees north of Blackburns and some hail north of that but Blackburns was fortunate and had no damage and are operating as normal. This was anticipated and precautionary measures were taken. Our normal high is 57 degrees and normal low is freezing but the highs are to be near 70 after today and the lows near freezing with the clear skies and a big high pressure hanging over the area. Coat in the morning, shirt in the middle of the day and jacket in the evening. The warmest part of the day does not last long and it cools very fast at sunset. The lake surface temperature is still in the early 60's depending on the time of day. The lake is in excellent condition and there are a lot of fish. Fishing was not the best yesterday but I caught one bass, one crappie and one channel catfish in about an hour of fishing. This was expected but I like to go out there every day even if the bite is tough. Sometimes you get surprised. Better than laying on the sofa. Blackburns has people here looking for real estate, out of town builders, fishermen and families just wanting to get away for a few days. They are taking advantage of the lowest prices on both cabins and boat rentals in the area. The children like to ride their bikes down the nearly flat 400 yards to the lake and our 18-stall boat dock and fish off the dock and others like to take a nice walk to the lake without going down or up a cliff. The big flat playground is nearly always busy. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free. I caught no picture fish yesterday. Tome Kelly did report catching a 22-inch striper in Float Creek and released it immediately. Everybody needs to quit killing stripers and hybrids until their numbers come back. White Bass numbers are also low but they can take care of themselves. There is plenty of bait fish out there and many schools of shad are holding few predator fish. There were some fish coming up last evening but they were all bass.