The lake level is 555.51 and has dropped 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 3/4ths. The surface water temperature was 64.4, the ambient temperature was 62, the wind was light and variable and the skies were sunny when I went out yesterday. The lake is still clearing and I could see no difference where I went except it is clearer nearest the shore on rocky banks where you can see your lure down over six feet in some places. I like it clearer for diving but not for fishing. This is about right and it has not been this clear for quite some time. The fishing was not as good for me yesterday as the day before but I still caught several keeper fish. 3-bass, one nice walleye, two small hybrid stripers about 13-14 inches long, three crappie and several bluegill were caight in about two hours. All were released on site. The walleye and hybrids were caught on a white with red eye 1/4 ounce Bink's spoon and the rest were caught on the 1/16th ounce jig. Overall the fishing was slow but steady. No particular pattern was noticed except the fish were in or near brush and the fish were caught anywhere from 10-ft to 35-ft. No large schools were found. One day a particular place is good and the next nothing. The one thing that I noticed was that the place where the wind was blowing into was the best fishing. This is usually true but has not been the last several days until yesterday. The wind has been variable and swirling but was mostly from the northwest yesterday. I saw four other boats out there and three of them were from Blackburns. It was a beautiful day and so is today. The longer the high pressure stays the better the fishing and it is best when it clouds up and the wind picks up and the next front starts to come through and then it starts all over again. For best fishing do not miss the cloudy days just before a rain when the low pressure moves in. Learn the difference between a low pressure and a cold front. This is a good time of year and the fishing pressure is very low during deer season. The normal high is 59 and normal low is 38.