The lake level is 556.73 and has dropped 1-3/4 inches in the last 24-hours. They started running one generator at full speed last night and the lake started dropping immediately. It may drop now that the White River at Newport is back down to 12+ feet and Table Rock is back to below seasonal pool. We have gone almost a week with no rain. Those are the two rules that they go by now for some reason. Newport seems to have survived the 20-ft. level with the last big rains with no flood damage of any kind. It shows the area lakes can be dropped with no problems down stream and the 12-ft. rule is stupid. Minor flood level is 23 feet. The surface temperature was 65+ when I went out yesterday and the water was not quite as clear as the day before for some reason. The overall fishing gets better the longer that this high pressure hangs around. It is to get windy again the first part of the week but this weekend looks to be wonderful. One of our guests went up to the Red Bank area yesterday and found the White Bass and Hybrids that were reported here but there were not as many as the day before. He was trolling and got a small hybrid(4-lbs) and a striper that was not 20-inches and a couple of White Bass. He picked up more bass on the shad than red meat fish. He was just glad to find some there but could not find any on the flats in front of the houses on Mallard Point. It is normally loaded with White Bass this time of year as is the mouth of Blackburns Creek but not this year. It was a beautiful day with light variable winds and highs in the mid 70's and sunny. I went to the back of a close by creek and started catching crappie immediately on both casting the jig over the brush and a slip float with minnow at about the same levels. They were big ones too. I usually keep about 1/2 dozen a day for the people that cannot fish anymore and release the rest. They were right in the brush at 16-feet. I then went to a main lake brush pile for bass and caught one on the first drop of the 1/4 ounce Bink's spoon. He now has a 3/8th ounce spoon and I have not tried one out yet. It should be easier to keep straight down in windy weather. If you allow the wind to move you you can expect many snags. Do not drag the spoon. Use your trolling motor against the wind to stay right on the brush and not drag your lure. This may not be easy with variable swirling wind which Norfork Lake is known for. I like the smallest spoon possible but it may require a heavier one in the wind. If it is too windy I do not spoon but cast jigs and grubs. If there is no wind I always spoon and also use a slip float with minnow on a #4 red Mr. Crappie hook. I like the shape of the true turn as it mostly catches them in the upper jaw and very few get off. This can be a problem in the winter when the mouth gets paper thin. If you do not use the net on these big ones you will hear a pop and they will be gone. Do not try and lift them over the side of the boat like they do on TV. When spooning it often feels like a hit when you are touching brush. If you set the hook in the wood it will be gone too. Just keep your line tight with no slack and set your hook after you are sure it is a fish. Bass often fight for a bit and then head for the surface to spit. You must set the hook again before they hit the surface or they will be gone also. I employ every effort to keep the bass from jumping but sometimes it is impossible. Just set the hook before they do. I have used a swim bait with the hook rigged weedless through the bottom of the body and had big bass on. I fought them and they come to the surface and spit and got off. When examining the lure it has not even pulled through the body of the soft plastic. You would think the weight of the fish would set the hook but it will not. Bass, crappie, and bluegill fishing is the best right now with Walleye next but about 3/4ths of them are just a little short. It is now a good combination of weather and fishing and Blackburns still has cabins for $59/day with a free boat stall. I wish deer hunting season would get started as there are too many fishermen out there and they are hanging on my brush piles. I am seeing more loons out there but no seagulls yet.