The lake level is 553.37 and is about the same as it was at this time yesterday with part of one generator running continuously. The White River at Newport is now at 6.4 feet. There is a flash flood warning for southern Missouri today and we will see what it does to the level. It has more effect on Norfork's rise than a local rain. The Norfork River water shead is much more there and we tend to hold their water and not release it. They should be regulating the White River at Newport to at least 12-ft. now and dropping the lake more but refuse to do so. We are at a very good level now but it does not leave enough surge capacity for the spring rains which are sure to come. The lake surface tmeperature was 66 when I went out yesterday and it was cloudy with light wind. Fog was moving in. Almost exactly what it was the day before but I did not catch as many fish. Three smallmouth bass, three crappie, two kentucky bass, one short walleye,, a warmouth and several bluegill were caught on the jig and very few on the spoon. It was cool but not too bad with the light wind. I saw only two other boats out there all evening and both were from Blackburns. It was like having a whole lake to yourself. I like that. Several fish are now on or near the bank in the evening and some are on shad in open water at the mouths of creeks but are mostly bass. The fish on the brush had lock jaw yesterday for me but several were there.