The lake level is 553.66 and has dropped a little more than one inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running about 1/2 the time. The White River at Newport is 9-1/2 feet and they will let it dry up rather than drop the lakes. We need to get it down to at least 548 to make room for the spring rains. I hope the spring rains do not surprise them again this year. They are the only ones that seem to not know they happen. Hold and hope is their motto. The surface water temperature was 69+ when I went out yesterday and it was misting rain with very light wind. Perfect for me. I fished Blackburn's brush piles in about 25-ft. of water casting a jig past them and allowing it to sink into the brush. Again, crappie, bass and bluegill were caught. It was nice to have the wind gone. This is the time of year that I like to fish the best and am happy to be able to go. There was peace and quiet and very few boats. Some guests caught several walleye and reported they were shallow in 14-ft. of water in front of brush piles part way back in the creek. I was fishing main lake brush only. There is a lot of bait fish at the mouth of Blackburns Creek but I did not stop to check them out since it was getting dark. Good day.