The lake level is 555.92 and has dropped about 5-inches in the last 24-hours with a little more than one generator running and some flood gates augumenting. The lake is at a very good level now for fishing but the lake is turning. The fall foliage is changing rapidly and more reds and yellows are showing up. It is more color than I first thought would happen this year and more is still to come. The surface water temperature was a little over 73 degrees and you could see your lure down less than 2-feet when I went out a little after 2-Pm. I know that is the worst time to go fish but I like to see if I can catch them when it is tough. I spooned three different places with fish under me and caught nothing. I then moved again with more fish down near brush and they started biting about 4-Pm on the jig casted and allowing to sink into brush at about 20-feet. Four nice crappie and two bass were caught in about 1/2 hour and they stopped. A channel cat was also caught on the throw line. Fishing is not the best now but you can catch some good ones if you know how. I saw no top water fish.Trollers are having a hard time. Bass, crappie, bluegill and catfish are the best right now and are not at any particular depth. I did not see any fish surfacing. People following birds have a hard time when they are not here yet and have to find fish on their own. They will be back when it gets colder and will make it easier for them to find fish. The weather is nice and is to remain so for the next week and Blackburns still has cabins for $59day for two people in a one bedroom with larger cabins priced accordingly. Your first boat stall is free. Come on dow. We will not charge you too much.