Norfork Lake Condition and Fishing Report by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental (click here for comment)

Scuba Steve and Mike Eakle caught some good ones yesterday. Image titleImage titleImage title

The lake level is 556.75 and has dropped 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours. They did add a little spillway release to the one generator but have since slowed that down a bit. It is now equal to about one and one third generator. They are keeping the White River at 12-feet religiously. Three and 1/2 inches per day is fine but they need to keep doing it until it gets into the 540's and have been very reluctant to do this. It was very nice and warm with light wind when I went out yesterday and the fishing was slow but steady and I caught several bass, crappie and bluegill. I saw some fish surfacing just before I came in but after catching a couple of them found out that they were just small White Bass. No picture fish. It was good to see them as they have been almost as scarce as the big stripers. I am not interested in small White bass so I came in.  The waning moon is helping the catfishing some but it is not great yet. The surface water temperature was 73 and the creeks are turning over and the main lake is starting. It will take a couple of weeks to finish and then the lake will start to clear. As I reported earlier November is a good month for overall fishing. There is a another full moon on the 31st and we will see if there is a night bite for stripers on the stick bait. This does not happen every year in the fall. They sometimes go to the bank at dusk to feed but not always and it has been less and less the last few years. It used to be much better. Fish the shadowy banks with a soft plastice for walleye before dusk though as they always bit during November whether the stripers do or not. You will see several come in. They have been biting pretty well all year with many throw backs being caught and some big ones. Right now bass, bluegill and crappie are the best bite with a few catfish and walleye. Blackburns has cabins for $59/day and fishing pontoons for $110/day plus gas and oil or a free stall for your boat.Fullly equipped bass boats start at $90/day. Come on down.  We will not charge you too much.