The lake level is 563.79 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours with a little more generation now that the White River at Newport is below 11-feet. It looks like they will be forced to let more out as the rivers dry up so they have changed their prediction of when the level is to hit 555+ from 12November to 1November. That would indicate more generation. I thought they were trying to keep the lake up all winter so when the spring rains come the spillway gates could just be opened flooding everything downstream. They seem to like to do that. No sense taking the level down to the 540's in the winter allowing for extra capacity and increasing the flow the rest of the year to just below minor flood stage when needed that does not harm anybody. We need to keep that 12-ft. rule at Newport at all coats but cannot figure out why. Government. The surface temperature on the main lake was 83+ when I went out yesterday with the creeks higher at over 85. That indicates that the temperature is not dropping anytime soon. The creeks rise and lower more quickly than the main lake. The cold front that was predicted has been cut off and it is to remain above average temperatures for several days. It may get here in a week or so. The water is still stained green but is clearing a bit. It is good for fishing but not for Scuba Diving. There were still several boats out there yesterday afternoon and the lake was by no means deserted. I tried spooning brush on the main lake and caught one crappie, two bass and a couple of short walleye. I then tried the jig over shallower brush back in the creek in 20-ft. of water and caught a couple more crappie. I caught no fish below 30-feet. It was the early afternoon and I did not expect to catch much but wanted to check things out. I fished for about 2-hours and caught 7 fish with no picture fish. It was nice just to be out in the sunshine and not get swamped. I do not want this lake to become Lake of The Ozarks but the trend is there if you look at the last few holidays.