Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service yesterday and today on his Jigging Spoon.
The lake level is 573.49 and has dropped a little over 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with intermittant generation. They are turning Norfork generators off and on to to keep the White River at Newport at a little less than 14-feet for some unknown reason. It is a good thing it has been dry and no rain for over a week or it would not drop at all. We have a chance to get a little today and then remain hot. We could sure use it. The lake in general is in good condition but is changing every day with more formerly submerged brush and logs exposed. Another two or three foot drop would really do a lot of good for day use and parking and launching. They are starting to open up now but has taken a long time. They just refuse to let much out but the need for electricity in the southwest is the driving force. If they would run both generators on Norfork continuously it would drop 3-1/2 inches per day. It will drop faster as the bowl gets smaller. I have not been fishing but Bink is really catching some nice stripers in about 90-feet of water on the bottom on his spoon and bass, catfish and bluegill fishermen are doing pretty well. It is a typical mid to late July fishing season. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental has a one bedroom cabin open next week and a few more starting in August with the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals. We cannot guarentee a boat stall for one or two day stays at this time and do not have one for anybody bringing their own pontoon that cannot put the top down until we are able to pull boats in and out more easily. We also do not recommend pulling any drag toys with our pontoons and do not allow any dragging or towning anything with our bass boats. They are not made for it. Sorry.