The lake level is 575.09 and has dropped a little over 1-inch in the last 24-hours. They cut off generation for several hours last night to keep the lake from dropping. They are trying to dry up the White River at Newport. We did receive about 0.4 inches of rain yesterday. We seem to get some about when we need it to keep things green. It is to get very hot next week. I went out to check a boat and took along a pole in the middle of the afternoon and fished for about an hour. I caught two crappie, one bass and a bluegill on the Bobby Garland baby shad in 14-20 feet of water in the brush back in a creek. The surface temperature ranged ftom 88 to 86 and I was surprised to see how clear the water was. I released them under the dock. It was nice to be out even if for a short time. The boat traffic was medium.