Some Nice ones caught on the Bink's Spoon yesterday morning.
The lake level is 576.41 and has dropped 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with intermittant generation. They are holding the White River at Newport at 14+ feet at all costs. Minor flood stage is 26 feet. I took a boat ride from Blackburns Cove to Cranfield Island and then to the 101 bridge and back and saw no debris in the water. The lake surface temperature was 85 degrees and the lake in general is in good condition for boating and swimming. I was surprised at the number of boats out there for a Thursday. The town is full this morning. I wonder if the people that operate the dams know the economic impact and revenue the lakes bring to the area or even care. They flood their own campgrounds and swimming areas and do not have too. We received 1.2 inches of badly needed rain earlier this week and it really greened things up and made the gardens grow fast. It all soaked in and the creeks did not run but it came down fast and had some spotty wind. We were dry. Keep your eyes to the west and north west in the afternoons and watch for black clouds, especially in the heat of the day which is about 3-4:30 PM. They do not last long but it is not good to be caught between the bridges at this time which is the windiest part of the lake. Tom Kelly caught some nice bass yesterday and Binks caught some nice stripers on his Many Shad Spoon. It is so busy here that I have not had any time to go fishing or diving. There will be plenty of time for that later. I have not seen this amount of boat traffic out there in years. People just want to get out. Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental still has the best prices on both cabins and boats and your first regular sized boat stall is free and all cabins are individual units with no duplexes and all have covered porches. You can social distance here and the children can have fun on the big playground and pool with slide.