The lake level is 576.65 and has dropped 2-inches in the last 24-hours with intermittant generation. They now have the White River at Newport to 14+ feet and are determined to keep it there for no reason except to keep the area lakes up as high as possible for as long as possible. I have been too busy to go fishing or diving but took a trip to check out the lake. Almost all of the debris has stuck to the bank now in this area now that the lake has dropped three feet from it's high and the lake in general is in excellent condition for swimming and boating. The surface water temperature is 84 degrees and the lake is clearing. That should stop with the high boat traffic this weekend. They really churn up the water. The level just has to drop a few feet now to really help access and parking. They could have done this a month ago. It has been very dry here and I am irrigating. Bink is catching stripers and bass and Tom Kelly is catching bass. The fishing is slow during the middle of the day and early morning is the best time. Fishing will get better as the thermocline drops and the lake level drops and the old shoreline is the same as the thermocline. It is now about 21 feet and the visibility is about 5-feet before the weekend gets here and then it drops with the boat traffic. Give Debbie a call at 870-492-5115 to check if we have last minute cancellations for both boats and cabins.