Caught yesterday on the Bink's spoon. Rum reports they were full of crawdads. No shad. This indicates they were feering near the bank.
The lake level is 579.02 and has dropped a little less than 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours. We have received about 0.2 inches of rain in the last 24-hours and just enough to water the yard and garden. It was getting dry. It will get sunny and very humid later today. We missed the bad weather again this morning and it went just west of us in the Springfield and Bull Shoals area. We do not need any big rains and I am a little concerned with the storm in the gulf right now moving north after landfall. It will do it, it is just a matter of where it goes. The lake is very clear now but there is still some debris floating around out there. The old shoreline is now 25+ feet deep and that is where the fish are early. Bink reports the fish he caught yesterday were full of crawdads with no shad in them. He is using a white paddletail swim bait 3-inches long, topwater spook and his jigging spoon exclusively now. The fish are on top or in the brush early feeding and then moving to deeper water. This is when he is switching to the spoon. The surface temperature is about 78 degrees and there should be a thermocline forming at about 20-feet if it has not already. I have not been diving yet but it always does this about the first week of june. It has been too busy here for me do do much of anyrhing but work but I go out for a few minutes a day to check out condition and fish. People are taking advantage of the low cabin prices as well as the largest selection of rental boats in the area. You can just drive here to Blackburns, drive to the dock and get on your rental boat and be done with it. Forget all of the other stuff. No finding a place to launch, parking for your truck and trailer, floating around the launch waiting to pick up passengers and doing the same thing to get out. It almost makes it not worth it, especially for a day or two. I just do not like to pull trailers. Remember Blackburns still has the best prices and your first boat stall is free. If you insist on paying more you can stay here and give the difference to th disabled Veterans. We like them. Personally, I would not stay in a place that does not have a covered porch to get out of the rain or sun. It is hard to grill in the rain with no cover. Pizza and sandwitches are also delivered here but we are also on 28-acres in the country but close to town. No sense driving 20-miles to get to town unless you just want to. You can stay here and rent a boat for about the same price as renting a boat elsewhere. You have to stay here to rent a boat. C.O.E. rule not mine. Stupid rule. No grilling on our boats. My rule.