Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service yesterday.Image titleImage title

The lake level is 559.06 and has dropped about 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running continuously. All area lakes are about 1-foot below going over the spillway with no rain for the last week.  It is getting dry here but we may get a little rain this afternoon and then not much of a chance for another week. I hope the new storm in the gulf does not hit land, go north and sweep across to the east like some of them do. We do not need a gully washer. It will take over a week if this happens, and we would be in better shape to take it with the ground drying up fast. The lake is getting very clear again but there is still some debris floating around out there. Be careful dragging overweight children around in chaise lounges and do not go out after dark. Some of them are barely submerged and hard to see. No sense getting hurt. They are in one place one day and another place the next and are floating with the wind. The surface temperature is in the high 70's and should hit 80 in the next several days. The fish are still mostly at or near the old shoreline and are from the bank to about 25-ft of water. There are a lot of baitfish in the cover. The top water bite is still the best early for both bass and red meat fish. Fishing overall is just fair but some nice ones are being caught everyday. Get out early, take the middle of the day off, and then go out again about 5PM and fish until sunset. Use clear light line (6-lb.) and take off all swivels and hardware and tie directly to your lure. No spider line or steel leaders. Work the banks part way back in the creeks and set your boat in about 25-ft. of water and cast to the shore and allow to sink slowly with a light leadhead with jigs, creature baits and other soft plastics. Have a clear spook ready early sunny mornings for top water. The clear one sparkles in the sunlight and attracks the fish. Otherwise a white one also works on cloudy days. Fishing off docks during the day with crickets is working well for big bluegill.