The lake level is 577.62 and has risen 10-inches in the last 24-hours and shows no sign of stabilizing. The rise has slowed since it has not rained for 24-hours and should not rain until later this week. You cannot expect it to lower anytime soon since they raised the level of the White river at Newport to 24.57 feet which is still below the minor flood stage there which is 26 feet. They could have done this since last fall after harvest. The head guy at the Corps of Engineers says there is no chance of the lakes going over the spillway and the dams are doing what they are susposed to do. He said they will continue to hold and there is plenty of room. If they do have to open the gates when the levels are breeching the spillways and flood the rivers he and all others should be fired for incompetence. The lakes will continue to rise just from the river inflow no matter if it rains or not just more slowly if it doesn't because of the White river level does not allow for much if any discharge from the lakes. This just shows they can operate at just below minor flood stage if they want to and hold and hope is no plan. Top water bite continues to be the best now in the early AM and bass fishing in the old shore line is next. Some crappie are being caught but not as many. They are moving with the water rise and harder to find. Catfishing is fair on jugs and throw lines. You have to move your throw lines and trotlines almost daily. The main lake is still clear and the creeks are stained a bit. The surface temperature is in the mid to high 60's and has not changed much. We got our pool pained and resurfaced and will start to fill it tomorrow after the paint cures. Now to mow the yard and keep moving the dock three times a day. We will be ready for you when you get here.