Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Caught fishing with Bink's Guide Service Yesterday.Image title

The lake level is 570.22 and has risen 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with the same amount of generation and spillway gates. It is stable now.  They have achieved their goal of dropping the discharge of the White River at Newport  and lowering the level to just over 18-feet as predicted. They are doing their best to hold the lake levels up as high as they can in order to stay just one big rain away from going over the spillway and then flooding out everything down stream when it happens. Hold and hope is the motto, stupidity is the game. It is sunshine and cool today with a high pressure having moved in. The wind shifted to the north yesterday and was very breezy. It is better now. It layed about 6:PM last evening. The main lake had white caps on it most of the day. The first day after a cold front is not usually the best fishing but I will give it a try anyway. There was an early morning top water bite yesterday but after that it was hard to get out of the wind.The lake is clearing again after the rain and the sunshine should help. More rain is scheduled for next week. We will see. It is to be cool and everything is slow warming up. The surface temperature was 64 this morning with not much chance of it increasing any time soon. When it changes I expect it to go directly to summer. Bink caught some good top water fish yesterday and is out with a Blackburns customer again today.  Hope they do well. Bink can do it if any body can. I do not like to fish in high wind but it is sometimes good fishing. It is not fun for me to fight it. Blackburns has a few openings and the one bedroom cabins are still $59/day and come with a free boat stall. Cannot beat that. We have birds, wildlife and flowers everywhere. Come on down. We will not charge you too much.