The lake level is 569.46 and has risen 3-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with almost 1-1/2 inches of rain last night. The creeks ran but have slowed now. They did start up the one generator but closed two spillway gates. The discharge is now about 1-3/4 generators. The lake is still rising. They are running Table Rock hard and are really filling up Bull Shoals to keep the landing at Branson normal. May ist they are to lower the level of the White River at Newport to 18 feet. We will see. If they do it will take months to drop the lakes to normal. They like to hold and hope and keep just one big rain away from being forced to let it all out. It sure has not affected fishing though as smallmouth bass, flatheads, crappie and Kentucky bass continue to bite and the lake is getting very clear. I saw some debris that has washed off the bank with the lake rise back in the creeks but nothing big. I do not recommend being out after dark. The surface temperature is still in the early 60's but should rise with the ambient temperature to get into the 80's soon. The bass are ready to get on the beds and some crappie have not spawned yet. Several very large crappie are being caught. Many fish are in about 15-ft. of water near the bottom. We caught three very nice flathead today on throw lines baited with perch. I do not bed fish for bass but if you do gitzits work well.