Mike Eakle with some of yesterday's catch.
The lake level is 569.21 and has dropped 2-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with one generator running continuously and four spillway gates open one foot for a total discharge of a little more than two generators. They are adhering to the 21-foot level of the White River at Newport rule and it is now below 21 feet. It should have stayed at 24 feet and allowed for the lakes to drop more quickly especially after they now have Branson at power pool while the rest of the lakes are much higher. It is all about the money and politics. Do not expect much wade fishing on the White River anytime soon. The lake surface temperature was in the mid 60's yesterday when I went out and the lake is clearing nicely everyday. Trollers are starting to pick up some smaller stripers (6-10 lbs) in about 35-ft. of water just outside the old shoreline. Pictures of dock floors full of small dead stripers is not impressive and just shows how people are willing to cut their own throats to kill fish. If they do not quit, the large striper population will not return to the lake as it was a few years ago. The limit needs to be cut to two fish/day and four possession limit. The Smallmouth bass bite is good and the walleye and crappie are getting better. The flatheads started biting again yesterday on throw lines but limb lines are not producing much as of late. This is a typical spring on Norfork Lake but the top-water bite is slower than normal. The lake is in excellent condition and the weather is getting better but more rain is likely in the next few days but should not be a wash out.