James Soltysiac with some good ones caught this morning. Under the dock they go except for the catfish.
Caught fishing with Bink's Guide service yesterday on top water.
The lake level is 570.22 and has dropped three inches in the last 24-hours with one generator and four spillway gates open one foot. It is to rain later this weekend and early next week. It has cooled of a bunch with highs yesterday in the high 60's, today low 60's, tomorrow 50's. The surface water temperature in the creeks has dropped a bit but it is in the mid 60 on the main lake. The top water bite is on now and a few big stripers are being caught but not near like in the past. I hope they are getting released. They almost all live when caught in shallow water. I am releasing a lot of nice bass under the dock but do not fish for stripers much. I am releasing all crappie caught now immediately as the males are guarding the nests and if you catch them off the bluegill eat all of the eggs in about two minutes. Trolling all over is not my kind of fishing. I like to cast for them with artificial bait if I fish for them at all. A lot of people like to fish for them though and it takes the pressure off the walleye, crappie and catfish which I like the best. Bass are the staple on this lake when the others are not biting. Fishing is improving as the moon wanes.