Norfork Lake fishing and lake conditions by Scuba Steve from Blackburns Resort and Boat rental (click here for comments)

Mike Eakle with some good ones released under the dock yesterday.Image title

The lake level is 569.08 and has risen 6-inches in the last 24-hours with just one generator running part of the time. It look like a litte more rain is coming later this weekend and the first of next week. Not too much though. There was a lot of drying yesterday with temperatures approaching 90 degrees with a light wind. It is to be 80 today with temperatures in the high 60's after that. The brown water seems to be settling in this area as it heads south. The bass fishing is hanging on with many fish in the pre-spawn feeding mode in the old shoreline over the buckbrush. The water temperature is warming rapidly depending on the depth of the water. It is all over the place. 50's some places and 60's other. Get out early with a jerk bait and then use a spinner bait or 3-inch worm over the submerged buckbrush in the creeks. You can catch about anything. Fishing is not the best right now but good fishermen are catching fish.Catfishng looks to be good soon. Baxter County still has not had a positive test and Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental continues to be the best place to social distance. Come on down.  We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free.