The lake level is 555.63 and has risen over nine inches in the last 24-hours and is still rising despite both generators running and 5-spillway gates open 1-foot. If they had shut everything down like they usually do during a rain we would have been right back where we were. Good thing. We received 1-inch Thursday, 0.8 inch Friday and 0.8 inch Saturday. None today but more is coming next week with good chances almost all days. The creeks run fairly hard but were not raging. The very backs of the creeks are brown again. This is a typical March with some warm weather and cold fronts with wind moving through a couple of times a week. 70's one day and a windy 40 the next. Every cold front slows fishing way down and it gets better and better until the next one comes through. With the water rising the lake surface temperature has dropped to the low 50's. Grass is growing, flowers blooming, dogwoods blooming despite the lows getting in the 30's at night and highs in the low 40's. April gets a lot more stable with better fishing. I caught a few fish yesterday but no picture fish. Bass, crappie and a couple of bluegill. Reservations are really starting to come in with people taking advantage of Blackburns best prices on both cabins and boat rentals and the first boat stall being free. Some are even mentioning social distancing and no crowds and are cancelling their reservations to Disney World and theme parks with lots of people. All of our cabins are individual with no duplexes and you do not have to be close to anybody. It does not hurt young people to get outdoors for a change. Blackburns has 26-acres to roam and a nice dock to fish, play and swim. Biggest pool in the area open before Memorial day.