Caught and released yesterday in about 2-hours.
The lake level is 555.58 and has dropped about 5-inches in the last 24-hours. They are still running borh generators continuously and have 5 spillway gates open 1-foot . The total is about the equivalent of three generators. This is really good news and the lake is in excellent condition for both fishing and boating. The other news is that the lake surface temperature is rising rapidly. I had over 57 degrees in the back of Hensley's creek yesterday in the shallow water of about 18-feet. More good news. The fish are biting. I went out for about two hours yesterday and caught all of the fish I wanted. White Crappie, Black Crappie, Black Nosed Crappie, Largemouth Bass, Kentucky Bass and bluegill were all caught. I do not fish for red meat fish much but caught about a 5-lb. Hybrid accidently. It was released on sight and the others were brought to the dock for pictures and released. I have released a lot of fish under Blackburns Dock lately. Big ones too. I do not like to kill fish in the spring. Tom Kelly's trophy pond is completely stocked now and they are catching good fish out of it. That is what I wanted. Most of the rain has missed us so far as has been the case for over a month. We are in good condition now but it would be great if this continues. You can come to Blackburns and experience social distancing and have a fun vacation no matter what is happening in the cities. We have 300 meg internet so you can work from here too. All of this for the best prices on both cabins and boat rentals. Your first boat stall is free and we have no duplexes and all cabins have covered porches. You will see how important this is when you stay someplace without them. If you must pay too much, just stay at Blackburns and give the difference to disabled Veterans. Debbie, Casey and Nancy are working hard to get all of the cabins ready for you and they really look nice. You will like what you see when you get here and we will not charge you too much.