The lake level is 558.71 and has dropped just a bit in the last 24-hours with more generation. The winter is slipping away from you boys. If you cannot manage it in the winter you have no chance in the spring. We need to be at 548 now. We have more rain on the way. It was near 50 degrees and sunny with no wind when I went out yesterday. I first tried open water fishing and found fish in 60-70 ft. of water suspended at varius depths. A couple of stripers in the 8-9 lb. range were caught on the spoon but no picture fish. I then went to a couple of brush piles and it was worse. Just small bass. The surface water temperature was 49 and the brown water seems to be clearing a bit. I am not suggesting people take a long trip to get here fishing now. The open water fish are hit and miss and bass fishing is slow and crappie fishing is just fair. The moon is big and is not helping anything. You have to look hard to find feeding fish and people are fishing for a couple of days before they find any. It will be just a few days before they start and I will let you know. It is not good to fish all day and catch 2 or 3 fish but that will get better. It alway does this at this time of year. The lake is still in good condition but we do not need it to rise any more.