James Soltysiac with a big Hybrid caught on the Bink's spoon.
John Bornhop with a big fat one.
The lake level is 557.05 and has dropped 4-inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running continuously and one spillway gate open 2-feet. The water surface temperature came up to over 49 yesterday evening in the sunshine and more back shallow in the creeks. The brown water is not clearing very well but you just have to go south of the 62 bridge to get out of it. I tried fishing in it to see if i could catch anything and could not. Went to the stained green water and caught fish. Others caught bass, walleye and crappie on the spoon and an other caught bass dragging a football jig in 25-ft.of water. Some temperate bass were caught in open water in 60-ft 50-ft. down on the spoon. It was very warm with ambient temperatures in the 70's with light wind. I have been out there every day and the weather has been great. Several fishermen left but we still have a couple left. Everyone had a good time or said they did. Blackburns has all of their brushpiles put in now and they are holding fish. We will show you where when you get here. It looks to be a good year for boating and fishing. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and are making a lot of improvements. People like our 300MG internet and first boat stall free. You will too.