The lake level is 559.45 and has dropped 3-inches in the last 24-hours with both generators running and two spillway gates open 1-ft. Keep it going boys. I went fishing with Bink's Guide Service today and we really caught a lot of open water fish. He knows where they are. We fished neck and neck most of the day but he pulled away at the last minute. He caught 26 and I caught 24. We released all of them on site. We are trying to get the sizes of the temperate bass back up where they were a few years ago. People need to quit killing all of these small stripers and hybrids no matter what the regulations are. A 7-10 lb. striper is not big and pictures of dock floors full of dead ones are not impressive. It was a beautiful January day on Norfork Lake with highs near 60 and sunny with light wind. Wish you were here. It looks to be a good year for fishing. What a fun day. Look for fish in the 40-50 ft. range no matter the depth of water.