The lake level is 560.19 and has dropped 2+ inches in the last 24-hours with heavy generation. They are also running other lakes hard and suplementing with spillway gates. Hold and hope and let out water not going through the generators and wasting it is the plan. Not much of a plan. Why do they not just draw down the lakes after harvest and get revenue with the water? Nothing is hurt by keeping the level of the White River at Newport at 21-feet and lowering the lake levels to have a surge for the spring rains. It worked before. The whole water management plan needs to be reviewed and be revised for the 21st. century. The old one does not work so fix it. The rain is not the problem. The plan is. It was cool with light wind when I went out yesterday and the surface temperature was 48.5 with partly cloudy skies. The creeks are clearing faster than the main lake in this area which is still brown to just short of the 101 bridge. I know where some open water fish are but decided to try and fish the brown water for bass and crappie. It did not work out very well. I tried both the spoon and slip float and minnow over some good brush with little success. I wanted to give it a good try before quitting. Today I will move just a little downstream and work main lake point brush in the clear water. We will see. I would not advise taking a long trip here just to fish at this time. It should get better soon. It always does and there are a lot of fish in this Lake.