Mike with some good ones caught on the Bink's Spoon yesterday. They were not released. They had quite a few eggs in them for January.
The lake level is 560.40 and has risen over 3-inches in the last 24-hours. The brown water seems to have stopped before the 101 bridge and is pretty clear south of that. The creeks are settling out nicely but it will take a bit on the main lake north. The brush pile fishing has slowed but the open water fishing has improved but you have to know where to go. It takes more looking than fishing to find feeding fish. They are feeding best at 50-feet no matter how deep the water is. 60-80 feet is best on main lake flats. All kinds of fish are on shad in open water but it is hard to get them to bite. Just keep finding fish and move and then come back to check them. They are not moving very far. Some nice crappie are still being caught but not as many as before. This always happens this time of year. The surface temperature is still just below or right at 50. We put in a couple of nice trees in yesterday in back of the other too deep ones and moved the dock again. It is to be cool for the next couple of days and then get back up to 50 later next week. You cannot walk on our water or drill holes in it. Just dress warm and you will be fine. Better than staying on the sofa.