Released under the Dock.
The lake level is 553.63 and they are holding it up with very little generation. They have dropped the White river to 13-feet to protect crops down river. (must be winter wheat) It should be 21-feet and all lakes should be dropping this time of year. Hold and hope is the motto and bad management is the game. We are to get some pretty good rain the next couple of days and we are getting dry. The full moon and high pressure has slowed fishing a bit but some nice fish are being caught but not as many. I have to fish two or three brushpiles to find feeding fish. Use the 1/2 ounce spoon for the larger bass and the 3/8 or 1/4 for the crappie and smaller bass. The crappie are shallower and the bass are near the bottom. Both are hitting on the drop. Look for brush in the 25-30 ft. range. Until you get used to wheather your spoon is touching brush or a fish is biting do not set your hook or you will snag your lure. If you do snag, get directly over the spoon with your trolling motor and release your line on your baitcaster or open the bail on your spinning reel and use your thumb as drag and try to get your spoon to get some movement up and down and then keep raising it up and down without pulling the hook into the wood. Most of the time you will get it out unless you hook someone else's heavy broken line. Do not let your lure and line drag behind you when spooning or you will lose your lure for sure. Keep it straight up and down. Also watch for a difference in your line movement or resistance when snapping your line up and down to make sure your spoon is not hooked on itself. You are wasting your time if it is. If you work on this you will catch fish. It was a beautiful day yesterday with mild temperatures in the 60's with medium winds from the south so it was easy to find a brushpile out of it facing north. I fished two good ones and only caught one crappie and then found one with active fish and caught several small bass and the a couple of good ones and more crappie. It was very nice to be out. The surface water temperature was 51 and the lake is clearing a bit and is perfect for fishing. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. Bass, crappie and bluegill are the best bite with a few walleye thrown in but not very many big ones. I caught one of the largest warmouth of my career yesterday.