My grandson Ryan with a big one.
The lake level is 553.70 and has dropped less than an inch in the last 24-hours with just a bit of generation. The creeks cleared up quite a bit yesterday and have more visibility than the main lake but that can change quickly. The surface temperature is hanging in there at about 50. The lake is in excellent condition but needs to drop about 5-6 feet going into the spring and they are not showing any inclination to do so. I guess it will take a drought. The weather has been really nice with highs in the 50's and sunshine. Fishing has slowed compared to the end of last year but we are still catching fish. Bass, crappie, bluegill and walleye are the best bite now but most of the walleye are throw backs. It takes a good one to be 18-inches but I like the rule. Not many big ones get released. Striper fishing is slow and the ones being caught are small. This happens every year at this time. I wish they would drop the limit on stripers and Hybrids to two. The schools of shad I am seeing have few fish on them and all the fish that I am catching are on brush. Do not forget to get your brush permits at the Corps office at 9:AM on the 14th. We want the spawn to have as much cover as possible this spring. The Game and Fish biologists have certainly done their share in helping the habitat and I hope they continue to do so. One day the spoon is the best lure and the grub the next. I cannot tell which one until I try. A few fish are on the bank but not many. I am getting my largest bass in 30-ft. of water. Do not forget to get your deposits in by January 15th to insure you get the cabin and boat of your choice. We do not want you disappointed. It looks to be a good year and we have made a lot of improvements for you. Come on down and check us out. You will not be disappointed and the price is right.