The lake level is 571.60 and dropping about one inch per day with just a few hours of generation. The surface temperature is in the high 80's and the visibility is about 7 or 8 feet off rocky banks. The thermocline starts at 23 feet with cold water at 30 feet. I am finding walleye at the end of mainlake points just at the drop offs at 35 feet. Some bass are with them and the crappie are starting to move in. If you know where there is brush at less than 40-feet crappie will be there. Billie Springer and his crew just left and did well on walleye, stripers and hybrids. They troll umbrellas and are good at it. Most people are using jigging spoons. Look for shad near old river channels part way back in the creeks. Bass are coming up most mornings early. Nothing has changed for several weeks.