Mike caught some in the morning and I caught some in the evening.
The lake level is 559.28 and is rising about an inch a day with no generation and three spillway gates open one foot which is not balancing out the river inflow. Let some water out boys. What in the world are you thinking? Not much I think. If they cannot manage it in the winter they do not have a chance in the spring. I was hoping the new guy in charge at Little Rock would be better but he is worse. Get the level at Newport to 21-feet and keep it there until we get into the high 540's. The surface temperature was 57+ on the main lake when I went out yesterday afternoon. I had a late start and did not get to fish long until dark. I caught crappie, bass and blurgill onlyand no walleye and was using the 1/4 ounce Bink's spoon. Bass fishing seems to have slowed a bit but white bass and hybrids are picking up even though not many are very big. The crappie are on shallower brush if you can find it and the red meat fish are on the flats in front of the houses on Mallard point in about 50-ft. of water. Crappie and bluegill fishing is the best. I am using spoons, grubs and slip floats with minnows. It is to get windy this evening and cool down. I am going fishing now and it is 7:AM. Will let you know.