The lake level is 558.64 and has risen 6-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours after a two inch rain. The creeks run hard from about 4AM to 7AM but have slowed now. Both generators are down for maintenance. They are holding Newport at just over 12 feet and it should be at 21 feet. When I went out yesterday I went to a cove where the wind was blowing into and spooned both brush piles and open water shad. The brush was in about 25-ft. of water and the shad were in about 50-ft. of water down about 25-ft. I caught white bass, bass and crappie. The Bink's 1/4 ounce spoon was used exclusively. I like to try different places. Others were fishing the flats in front of the Mallard Point docks in 50-ft. of water and were catching bass and small stripers. The white bass are about 10-11 inches long but I am glad to have them showing up. They are easily caught are fun when nothing else is biting. I always say white bass are for people that can't catch anything else and trout are for prople that can't catch white bass. More big schools of shad are showing up and that is good. The lake was clearing nicely but has stained up again with the rain. The surface temperature is still in the high 50's. Thanksgiving is always a good time for overall fishing. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. Some places are closed but Blackburns is open all year. Weather looks to warm up next week after this cold front moves through.