Yesterday's fish of the day.
The lake level is 557.40 and has dropped a little less than 2-inches in the last 24-hours. The lake is at an excellent level and condition for fishing and boating. The surface temperature was 80-degrees when I went diving yesterday. The visibility was not very good but there were a lot of fish on brush at 25-32 feet. Mostly bass, walleye and crappie. I still have not seen a White Bass for months and they are usually a nuisance when diving. I went to 40-ft. deep and found no thermocline. It looks like the lake has turned and took the visibiliry with it. I still got one nice walleye and a couple of big crappie on main lake points on brush. Several walleye just short are showing up now. There are lots of bass with some big Kentuckies in the three pound range. Spoons, plastic worms and finesse worms are working best. Crappie are biting 1/4 ounce Bink's spoons and minnows on a slip float. The weather has been great and the fishing is getting better every day. Come on down. We will not charge you too much and your first boat stall is free. It is to be 80 again tomorrow.