Mike Eakle caught some good ones yesterday and they all went in the pond.
The lake level is 557.68 and has dropped a little over 1-inch in the last 24-hours with very limited generation. The White River at Newport actually dropped to under 11-feet yesterday. I sure hope they do not hold the level up so high this year and then blame the spring rains. That lame excuse is getting old. The level now is optimal for fishing and boating but is where it should have been in early June not October. Impeach the Corps of Engineers. It was a perfect day yesterday but rained a little last night and is still raining now. We have received a total of about 0.4 inches and it has all sunk in with the ground being so dry. It is to be beautiful starting tomorrow for several days with highs in the low to mid 70's. Bass, crappie, walleye and catfish are biting pretty well but not great. Look for brush on main lake points in 20-30 feet of water and use the 1/4 ounce Bink's spoon mostly and also a plastic worm. The fall foliage is showing just a litte color but not much. I am still expecting the peak to be the very last of this month. Blackburns is your fall foliage headquarters for Mountain Home, Norfork Lake and the Ozark Mountain region. We have cover for your motorcycle and will help you with scenic routes. Come on Down. We will not charge you too much and are open all year.