Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woods from Mississippi show off a variety pack.
The lake level is 558.41 and has dropped a little less than 2-inches in the last 24-hours. When i went diving yesterday a lot has changed. Many of the bass have left the main lake points. There were still some out on the points in 16-ft. of water but not nearly as many and not nearly as many big ones. Also a lot of the crappie were gone. I went down over 30-feet and found no thermocline. That does not mean there is not one but it has been in the 26-ft. range all summer. It does not go down as the water cools. I was low on air and did not want to go deeper. I will check it out tomorrow. I did see several walleye at about 20ft. where there were none a few days ago. Tom Kelly did catch some good crappie at about 25-ft. and we put them in the pond. The weather remains warm and the surface temperature is near 80. We received 1.6 inches and 1.2 inches of rain last week and everything is very green. The lake is in very good condition for boating and fishing. The level is perfect and you can drive to Blackburns dock and step right on. The visibility is just fair for diving and seems to be the same from 5-30-ft. Come on down to Blackburns Resort and Boat Rental. We will not charge you too much. $59/day for a one bedroom. Not bad. Blackburns is your fall foliage headquarters for Norfork lake, Mountain Home, Ozark Mountain Region and Northern Arkansas. So far it still looks to peak the very last of This month. Looks to be good this year so far.