Caught yesterday fishing with Bink's Guide Service.
The lake level is 564.98 and has dropped 1/2 inch in the last 24-hours with one generator running part of the time. The Corps of engineers should be proud. They have successfully held the lake high for the entire summer. The White River at Newport is at 12+ feet and they still will not drop the lake. The surface temperature is in the mid 80's and the lake is in excellent condition for swimming and boating. I went diving yesterday and the visibility was not quite as good as Monday but still ok for spearfishing. I found walleye on main lake steep banks in 25-feet of water near the first ledge and crappie on brush from 25-30 feet. Many bass were a little shallower than that. We have had very nice weather the last few days and it is to be good through the holiday and beyond. After Monday you can get a cabin here at Blackburns for $59/day and the fishing will get better and better for the next several weeks. Bink is catching good fish every day and scuba diving is excellent. Come on down. We will not charge you too much. If you are staying elsewhere and paying too much this weekend stop by here and check us out on your way home. We are proud of this place.