The Bink's spoon is the best lure for big stripers. I like the 1-ounce many shad now when they are deep.
The lake level is 570.98 and has dropped 1-1/2 inches in the last 24-hours with generation about 1/2 the time. They must be trying to hold the level up until after labor Day. It is very cloudy today and much cooler. The weather is to be near perfect for several days starting tomorrow. We did receive just a very little bit of much needed rain this morning and may get some more. I hope so. This has been the best year for gardens in quite some time. Not too much rain and not too little. Just a little irrigation is needed. The lake has stained some in the last few days and the visibility has gone down as the surface temperature has gone up. It is now near 90. Some days higher and some lower. Spear fishing is still ok but you cannot see very far. I still have large numbers of both threadfin and gizzard shad under my dock and they are really bringing in the fish. I feed them also and they just swarm. Early morning stripers deep on the spoon is the best bite and after dark with salt craws is second and bluegill with crickets is third. We have some good fishermen in now and I will check with them. I need the lake to go down a few feet to have my brush piles come into play for the crappie. Blackburns still have cabins for $75/day so come on down. We will not charge you too much for them or boat rentals. Our big pool is very busy.